Protecting Your Parent or Grandparent While in a Nursing Home

We all hope that our parents, and grandparents, will enjoy their “golden years.” However, they must often spend a substantial part of those years in a nursing home and, unfortunately, even the best nursing homes can have serious problems, especially with under staffing. As a result, our parents and grandparents sometimes sustain horrible injuries, which may result in death.
The most common injuries we see are bed sores and falls. Bed sores often result from the nursing staff simply not doing their job. For example, if the nursing staff fails to re-position or turn a resident every two hours, or keep him or her clean, bed sores may result. When bed sores do develop, the skin breaks down, often resulting in infection, and in some of the worst cases this can lead to death. This is certainly not what anyone had planned for their “golden years.”
Falls also often occur in nursing homes. Sometimes, even a simple fall can result in fractures, blood in the brain, and even death. Falls can occur from a wheelchair, from a bed, or even in a shower. Because of a resident’s weakened state, what might seem to be a simple fall can turn into tragedy.
If your parent or grandparent has experienced any injuries while in a nursing home, please contact me right away for a free consultation. With over 30 years of experience protecting the rights of all patients, I can help get you the resolution you deserve!